Stadium Stomp SCG date change – Sunday 14 November
Due to the extended lockdown in Greater Sydney, Stadium Stomp SCG has been rescheduled from its August date to Sunday 14 November.
Hopefully the news of this new date much later in the year will give you optimism, the opportunity to attend safely and for restrictions to ease.
For others this will be more frustrating news but we’re thankful for everyone’s patience and understanding as we re-schedule, re-plan, re-schedule and re-plan yet again. It’s not been an easy road.
Whilst it appears one step forward and two steps back at the moment, we hope you are staying positive and looking after each other. If you love events like Stadium Stomp, please hang in there and we encourage you to support the industry with your attendance when the time is right.
All registrations for Sunday 15 August will be automatically moved to the new date by Friday 30 July so there’s no need for you to do anything. Participants will receive a new confirmation email with updated event details in the coming days.
If you cannot make the new date, we are offering refunds in line with our COVID refund policy (your ticket price less $10).
How to claim a refund:
Please do not re-apply for a refund if you have already asked for one. Please see questions further down if this is you.
A centralised form (link below) has been set up for you to complete. Please request your refund by Tuesday 17 August for processing. Please use this form as it is the only source we will refer to for refunds, to reduce the admin load and prevent refund requests being missed due to spam filters etc.
I’ve already asked for a refund with the first date change but can now come?
We will be emailing everyone who we’ve refunded due to the first date change from 11 July to 15 August separately, explaining how you can re-register without being left out-of-pocket. Please check your spam filters for this too. This email will be sent at 10am 29 July.
I’ve already filled out a refund form with the first date change. When will I get my refund?
All of the credit card refunds have already been processed with the majority having been done on 27 and 28 July. EFT payments are taking a little longer and should be completed within the week.
I still have my 2020 ticket and can now come. What should I do?
Please contact us regarding your individual promo code that was allocated to you in 2020 to re-register for Stadium Stomp SCG on 14 November for free.
I haven’t re-registered and have my 2020 ticket. Can I get a refund now?
With the passing of the original re-scheduled date of 11 July, we are no longer issuing refunds to anyone that did not re-register for 2021.
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